Flood Information

Flood Information in PDF Form

Know Your Flood Hazard

The Borough of Seaside Park has undertaken a program to reduce flood insurance premiums in Seaside Park by participating in the National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System. This program requires periodic notification to Seaside Park property owners of potential flood hazards and the availability of Flood Insurance.

Located as we are on a barrier peninsula, Seaside Park is particularly vulnerable to flood damage from hurricanes and other coastal storms. Additionally, because all storm water drains to the bayfront, heavy rainfall accompanied by high tides or wind can cause serious flood damage in low-lying areas. In recognition of these hazards, the entire Borough has been designated on the Flood Insurance Rate Map for Seaside Park as a Special Flood Hazard area except properties located on the filled or bulkheaded sections of “K” Street, “K” Court, “N” Street, “O” Street or the portion of the block north of Stockton Avenue and west of Bayview Avenue which have been identified as areas of minimal flooding.

Property damage from flooding is not covered by regular homeowner’s insurance. Flood insurance for buildings and contents is available in Seaside Park. You should contact your insurance agent for information on purchasing flood insurance.

For your convenience, the Borough maintains a collection of flood insurance, flood hazard mitigation, coastal construction methods and hurricane safety publications. These materials together with the Flood Insurance Rate Map and related information are available for review at the Office of Code Enforcement located at 1201 Barnegat Avenue and at the Ocean County Upper Shores Library located at 112 Jersey City Avenue, Lavallette. Additionally, the Borough will provide Flood Map Determinations to assist in locating a property’s Flood Zone.

Flood protection and coastal storm safety for the Borough of Seaside Park, Ocean County, New Jersey

If you are not occupying the home during the hurricane season, please forward this notice to your tenants or other family members living in your home. Additional copies are available at Borough Hall.

 FEMA Region II Coastal Analysis and Mapping

Notice to Residents

Understanding Flood Information

Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance

October 2018 NFIP Mitigation Deadline and Three-year Extension

This affects structures that were officially identified as substantially damaged by the Local Certified Floodplain manager by issuance of a Superstorm Sandy Substantial Damage Letter.

The Borough is required to encourage all substantially damaged homes to be relocated, raised or demolished and rebuilt.

Through the ordinances the Borough has the ability to fine non-compliant structures.

It is anticipated that all non-compliant homes will be affected by an increase in insurance premiums.

FEMA has extended the deadline for mitigation of substantially damaged homes until October of 2021.

  • FEMA Homes with a Substantial Damage Determination Required to elevate extended to 2021

ICC – Increased Cost of Compliance Coverage – Three-year Extension

Assistance is available for raising a structure to the Design Flood Elevation (DFE) which is the Base Flood Elevation plus 2 foot of freeboard to property owners that carry flood insurance and have been substantially damaged or are considered a repetitive loss property. Refer to attached brochure entitled “National Flood Insurance Program Increased Cost of Compliance Coverage.”

The standard flood insurance policy provides ICC coverage to pay up to $30,000 towards the cost of mitigating substantially damaged structures by relocating, elevating or demolishing an insured building.

The NFIP has extended the deadline for completing ICC claims resulting from Superstorm Sandy by implementing a Three-year extension.

A buyer of an insured property may be entitled to ICC funds if all the ICC guidelines are met and the buyer can show continuous coverage with the NFIP

The homeowner is required to have the work completed before the deadline in order to receive the ICC funds.

  • Three-Year Extension of Deadline for Completing ICC Claims Resulting from Superstorm Sandy

New Study to Revise the Preliminary Maps

−             The restudy of the maps started in 2018 as a result of an appeal by New York which they won to restudy the preliminary maps.

−             Draft Maps will be available in 2022.

−             New Preliminary Maps will be available in 2023.

−             Adoption of New Maps anticipated in 2024

The Community Rating System

The Borough of Seaside Park is currently participating
in the Community Rating System (CRS) under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The CRS, administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), provides that a community who performs specific activities related to flood protection, flood awareness, and flood prevention, can secure reduced flood insurance premiums for all property owners within the community.

The Borough is an active participant within the program; our current rating within the program guideline is 7. If you carry flood insurance, this will result in a premium reduction of 15 percent. The program benefits all residents by increasing flood protection, awareness and prevention, as well as premium reductions for flood insurance policy holders.

Flood Insurance

Standard Homeowner’s Insurance Policies do not cover losses due to floods. However, Seaside Park is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program, which makes it possible for Seaside Park Property Owners to obtain federally backed flood insurance. This insurance is available to any owner of insurable property (a building or its contents) in Seaside Park. Tenants may also insure their personal property against flood loss. The cost of flood insurance will vary depending upon the amount of coverage and the degree of flood hazard. We urge persons who live or own property in Seaside Park to purchase flood insurance to protect themselves from losses due to flooding. This insurance is required in certain circumstances, such as the purchase of a home with a federally backed mortgage.

Flood Insurance is also available to any publicly or privately-owned building located outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area. The Borough of Seaside is located on a barrier island and as such property owners should be aware that flooding can occur even in areas that are not designated as a Special Flood Hazard Area. This is highly recommended for Homeowners currently in an X-Zone but are identified to be within a Flood Zone in the Preliminary FIRM.

  • FEMA Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act

FEMA ICC Brochure
Funding Sources for Repetitive Loss Properties

Click here for FEMA funding opportunities

Permit Requirements

Each homeowner is reminded that local construction permits are required for most modification you may plan for your house. The municipal ordinances and/or codes contain mandatory requirements related to new or modified building construction, certain of which are included to provide protection against flooding. Each homeowner should contact the Municipal Building Department (732) 250-7569 before they build, fill or otherwise develop any land within the Borough. It is also important, for the protection of the entire community, to notify the Municipal Building Department of any illegal filling of lands or building within the Borough that you might notice. The Seaside Park Building Department requires an elevation certificate prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for new or substantially improved structures. Copies of all approved elevation certificates are available at the construction office located at 313 SW Central Avenue.

Additional information regarding building codes and flood resistant provisions can be found at the following website: https://www.fema.gov/building-code-resources

 New Elevation Certificate Checklist
 Flood Permit Checklist

Drainage Maintenance

The municipal drainage system consists primarily of underground pipelines and catch basins located at street level. The Borough conducts semi-annual inspections of all catch basins under municipal jurisdiction and removes all sand and debris that has accumulated in the structure. The drainage system provides an important function in that it minimizes, where possible, localized flooding caused by rainwater. The Borough of Seaside Park has an anti-litter ordinance, which prohibits the disposal of debris within the Municipality. This ordinance in part is for the purpose of keeping litter out of the municipal storm drainage system. Any violations should be reported to the Code Enforcement Office at (732) 250-7569 or the Police Department.

The storm drainage system carries untreated storm runoff directly to Barnegat Bay. Illegal sanitary tie-in, pet waste and discharge of such wastes as oil, paint and fertilizer pollute the water, destroy aquatic plants, endanger wildlife and decrease the beauty of the Bay and Ocean. It is a violation of New Jersey State Law to discharge hazardous substance into the environment (including waste motor oil, petroleum products, pesticides and herbicides). Any such discharges should be reported to the New Jersey Environmental Hotline at 1-(877) 927-6337.

Property Protection Measures

Every year, flooding in the United States causes more property damage than any other type of natural disaster. While improvements in construction practices and regulations have made new homes less prone to flood damage, there are a significant number of existing homes susceptible to flood losses. The flooding to these properties can be minimized through temporary and permanent retrofitting techniques.

  • One approach is to waterproof your walls and place watertight closures over the doorways. This method should be used on homes with basements or if water will not get over two feet deep.
  • Another approach is to raise your house above the flood level. Over 55 houses in Seaside Park over the last five years have raised the elevation of their homes above the flood level.

There are various other actions each homeowner can take to flood proof their homes. Electrical panel boxes, furnaces, water heaters and washers and/or dryers should be located at a point in the house that is less likely to be flooded. Interior or exterior backflow water valves can be installed or interior floodwalls can be placed around utilities in order to protect these essential services. If an impending flood is apparent for the area, and time permits, the homeowner should move essential items and furniture to the upper floors of the home for protection. Materials such as sandbags, plywood, plastic sheeting and lumber should be kept on hand for emergency waterproofing of your home. The use of these materials for a flood protection may minimize the amount of damage caused by floodwaters. It is unlikely that you get much warning of an imminent flooding situation so a detailed checklist prepared in advance would help ensure your greatest protection. During a hurricane, homes may be damaged or destroyed by high winds and high waves. Debris can break windows and doors, allowing high winds inside the home. Roofs, windows, doors, and garage doors should be properly checked

The Federal Insurance Administration suggests the following action when coastal storms or hurricanes are imminent:

  1. Turn off all electrical power at panel.
  2. Close main gas value.
  3. Move household items to the highest level you can.
  4. Remove cardboard boxes and newspapers as these materials can disintegrate and clog drains and vents.
  5. Keep a full tank of gas in your automobile.

Additional information for property protection measures can be found at https://www.fema.gov/protecting-homes

Protecting Yourself

If you leave your home, here are some essentials you should take: first aid supplies, supply of non-perishable food, batteries (hearing aid, flashlight) and battery operated portable radio blankets, dry clothing, shoes and socks, important papers, bank and check books, valuable and cherished items.

Flood Safety: There are several actions residents of Seaside Park can take to decrease the potential for injury due to flooding.

  1. Know the flood warning procedure.
  2. Do not attempt to cross flowing water where water is above your knees.
  3. Keep children away from floodwaters, ditches, culverts and storm drains.
  4. If your vehicle stalls in high water, abandon it immediately and seek higher ground.
  5. Evacuate the flood hazard areas in times of impending flood or when advised to do so by the police or fire department.
  6. Cut off all electric circuits at the fuse panel or disconnect switch. If this is not possible, turn off or disconnect all electrical appliances. Shut off the water service and gas values in your home.
  7. Stay away from downed power lines and electric lines. Report downed lines to the Municipal Police Department.
  8. Look out for animals. Small animals that have been flooded out of their homes may seek shelter in your home.
  9. Clean everything that gets wet. Floodwater may have contacted road chemicals, sewage and other harmful materials.

For up to date notifications regarding emergency events the Borough offers the Swift 911 notification system. Residents may sign up for the service by clicking on the link on the home page or going to https://www.seasideparknj.org/offices-departments/police/swift-911/.

In the case of an emergency event, the primary evacuation procedure is to follow the evacuation signs located on Route 35 directing traffic over the Route 37 Bridge to Eastern Toms River.

Additional information regarding what you can do to protect yourself during an emergency event can be found at the following website: http://ready.nj.gov/plan-prepare/your-kit-plan.shtml

For further information on property or personal protection measures, please feel free to contact the Borough’s CRS Coordinator, Pamela Hilla, the Borough’s Flood Plain Manager, Douglas Erb, or the Office of Emergency Management Coordinator, Chief Larkin at (732) 250-7569.

Flood Hazard

The Borough of Seaside Park is vulnerable to coastal storms and hurricanes. Typically, severe winter storms, or Nor’easters, occur each year between Mid-October and Mid-May. The entire Borough of Seaside Park is located in a special flood hazard area and is vulnerable to flooding from the Atlantic Ocean and Barnegat Bay. The most recent significant storm occurred October 29, 2012 and caused damage to homes and the boardwalk. Most of the damage occurred in the southern portion of Seaside Park.

Repairing Your Flooded Home

Repairing Your Flooded Home – FEMA P-234 / October 2010

Local Directory

The following is a list of contact personnel who have the knowledge, experience and have agreed to discuss flood hazard protection methods with you.

New Jersey Floodplain Management Services
Clark Gilman, NFIP Coordinator (609) 292-2296

Ocean County Soil Conservation District
Christine Raabe, District Director (609) 971-7002

Borough CRS Coordinator
Pamela Hilla (732) 286-9220

Borough Construction Official
Stephen Grenley (732) 250-7569

Office of Emergency Management
Chief James Boag, SPPD (732) 793-8000
Army Corps of Engineers (215) 656-6500

FEMA Regional Office
(212) 225-7200

Additional information concerning flood protection assistance is available on the following websites, as well as the Upper Shores Branch of the Ocean County Library: https://www.fema.gov/national-flood-insurance-program